Sunday, 01 September 2024

Judicial Academy Malaysia

  • Quantification of Damages, 7th September 2019

    The “Quantification of Damages” Seminar was held on 7th September 2019 (Saturday) at the Conference Hall, Palace of Justice, Putrajaya. The course aimed at providing an overview on quantification of damages to participants. This programme entailed 5 talk topics. A total of three talks were delivered in the morning session entitled “Financing Reporting in Malaysia”, “Valuation: Art, Science or Magic?” and “Valuation of Shares and Businesses - How Reliable are the Various Valuation Methods?”. The seminar had held two talks in the evening session entitled “Valuation of Damages - Are Lawyers and Valuers Speaking the Same Language?” and “Minding the (Valuation) Gap”. These talks were delivered by Dato’ Mohammad Faiz Azmi, Executive Chairman - PwC Malaysia; Mr. Jay Moorthy, Partner - Valuations Leader, PwC Malaysia; Mr. Michael Peer, Partner - Dispute Advisory Leader, PwC South East Asia; and Mr. Justin Lim Chee Teong, CA, Director - Valuations, PwC Malaysia. There was a Q&A session at the end of each talk.

    A total of 106 participants had attended this seminar. They were six Federal Court Judges, 20 Court of Appeal Judges, 41 High Court Judges, 16 Judicial Commissioners and 23 Judicial and Legal Officers. The Right Honourable Dato’ Seri Utama Tengku Maimun binti Tuan Mat, Chief Justice of Federal Court, Malaysia; The Right Honourable Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Ahmad bin Haji Maarop, President of the Court of Appeal, Malaysia; and The Right Honourable Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Azahar bin Mohamed, Chief Judge of the High Court in Malaya cum the Chairman of the Training Committee, Judicial Academy were also present.

  • Regulating the Capital Market: Changing Dynamics and Challenges, 5-6 June 2014

    A seminar, jointly organised by the Securities Commission and the Judicial Appointments Commission, entitled “Regulating the Capital Market: Changing Dynamics and Challenges” was held from 5-6 June 2014 in Kuala Lumpur.

    The seminar was officiated by the Rt. Hon. Tun Arifin bin Zakaria, Chief Justice. Also in attendance were the Rt. Hon. Tan Sri Md. Raus bin Sharif, President of the Court of Appeal and YBhg. Datuk Ranjit Ajit Singh, Chairman, Securities Commission Malaysia.

    The aim of the seminar was to provide an overview in relation to:

    • The development of Malaysian capital market and its role in funding the real economy;

    • The role of the Securities Commission in developing and maintaining the integrity of the capital market;

    • Board governance and effectiveness; and

    • Investor empowerment.

    A total of 55 participants attended this seminar comprising 2 members from the Commission, 8 Federal Court judges, 19 Court of Appeal judges, 20 High Court judges and 6 Judicial Commissioners.

  • Section 302 of the Penal Code 1/2023, 30th May 2023

    The course of “Section 302 of the Penal Code 1/2023” was held in the Conference Hall, Palace of Justice, Putrajaya on 30th May 2023 (Tuesday). The objective of this course was towards a better understanding of Section 302 of the Penal Code.

    A total number of 25 participants had attended the course, consisting of 20 Judges of the High Court and five Judicial Commissioners. This course was also attended by The Honourable Dato’ Sri Hasnah binti Dato’ Mohammed Hashim, Federal Court Judge cum Chairman of the Training Commitee, Judicial Academy, and The Honourable Dato’ Mary Lim Thiam Suan, Federal Court Judge cum Member of the Training Commitee, Judicial Academy. Facilitators, who assisted the course were The Honourable Dato’ Nordin bin Hassan, Federal Court Judge, and The Honourable Datuk Abdul Karim bin Abdul Jalil, Judge of the Court of Appeal.

    Five discussion topics were presented in this course, namely “The Offence of Murder and The Offence of Culpable Homicide Not Amounting to Murder Under The Penal Code – Concept and Elements of The Offences”, “Sections 34 and 149 of The Penal Code”, “Evidence of Forensic Pathologist”, “Witnesses”, and “Corroboration”. Each presentation took one hour including discussion time among participants, and facilitators.

  • Section 302 of the Penal Code 2/2023, 8th September 2023

    The course of “Section 302 of the Penal Code 2/2023” was held in the Conference Hall, Palace of Justice, Putrajaya on 8th September 2023 (Friday). The objective of this course was towards a better understanding of Section 302 of the Penal Code.

    A total number of 29 participants had attended the course, consisting of five Judges of the Court of Appeal, 22 Judges of the High Court, and two Judicial Commissioners. This course was also attended by The Honourable Dato’ Sri Hasnah binti Dato’ Mohammed Hashim, Federal Court Judge cum Chairman of the Training Commitee, Judicial Academy; and The Honourable Dato’ Mary Lim Thiam Suan, Federal Court Judge cum Member of the Training Commitee, Judicial Academy. Facilitators consisting of three Federal Court Judges have assisted the course namely The Honourable Dato’ Nordin bin Hassan, The Honourable Dato’ Abu Bakar bin Jais, and The Honourable Datuk Abdul Karim bin Abdul Jalil.

    The participants were divided into four groups with a membership of seven or eight people per group. Each group was required to discuss specific topics related to this course and then presented the results of the discussion. The topics of the discussion are “The Offence of Murder and the Offence of Culpable Homicide Not Amounting to Murder Under the Penal Code – Concept and Elements of The Offences”, “Distinguishing Features and Application of Sections 34 and 149 of the Penal Code”, “The Defence of Insanity Under Section 84 of the Penal Code”, and “Treatment of Expert and Corroborative Evidence”.

  • Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952

    The “Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952” Course was held on 24th-25th September 2021 (Friday-Saturday) at the Banquet Hall, Palace of Justice, Putrajaya. The seminar aimed at providing Judges/Judicial Commissioners with a comprehensive understanding of certain aspects of the law of Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952. This was the third programme under the Judicial Academy Malaysia in 2021 and the second to be conducted online via the Zoom Meeting application. The programme has been conducted in compliance with the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

    A total of 70 participants consisting of four Federal Court Judges, 31 High Court Judges, 33 Judicial Commissioners, and 2 Deputy Registrars/Special Officers/Research Officers attended this programme.

    The one and a half-day programme began on the first day with an opening by The Right Honourable Tun Tengku Maimun Binti Tuan Mat, Chief Justice of Federal Court, Malaysia. The programme was then continued with two talks in the morning session on “Duty of Trial Judge at the End of the Case for Prosecution” by The Honourable Dato’ Abdul Rahman bin Sebli, Federal Court Judge and “Duty of Trial Judge after the Trial” by The Right Honourable Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Azahar bin Mohamed, Chief Judge of the High Court in Malaya. The talk on “Common Mistakes Made by Trial Judge in Adjudicating Section 39B Cases” was delivered in the afternoon session by The Honourable Datuk Seri Haji Mohd. Zawawi bin Salleh, Federal Court Judge cum Chairman of the Training Committee of the Judicial Academy Malaysia; The Honourable Datuk Yaacob bin Haji Md. Sam, Judge of the Court of Appeal; and The Honourable Datuk Abdul Karim bin Abdul Jalil, Judge of the Court of Appeal.

    A total of four Presentations and Discussions on Specific Topics by Participants were presented on the second day with The Honourable Dato’ Nordin bin Hassan, Judge of the Court of Appeal acted as the moderator. The topics were “The Defence of Innocent Carrier” by The Honourable Tuan Mohamed Zaini bin Mazlan, High Court Judge; “Alcontara Notice” by The Honourable Dato’ Abd. Wahab bin Mohamed, High Court Judge; and “Problems Faced by Trial Judges in Conducting Criminal Trial” by 2 Judicial Commissioners, namely The Honourable Dr Shahnaz Binti Sulaiman and The Honourable Puan Nurulhuda Nur’aini Binti Mohamed Nor.

  • Talk on " Adjudicating Intellectual Property Cases and Judicial Case Managment, 7 November 2014

    Program Talk on “Adjudicating Intellectual Property Cases and Judicial Case Management” telah diadakan pada 7 November 2014 di Dewan Persidangan, Istana Kehakiman, Putrajaya. Program ini merupakan anjuran bersama Suruhanjaya Pelantikan Kehakiman dan Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MICCI).

    Program ini telah dirasmikan oleh YAA Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Zulkefli bin Ahmad Makinudin, Hakim Besar Malaya. Ia dihadiri oleh Hakim-Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan, Mahkamah Rayuan, Mahkamah Tinggi, Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman dan Pegawai Perundangan dan Kehakiman yang berjumlah seramai 97 orang.

    Penceramah bagi program yang dijalankan secara interaktif ini adalah Sir Colin Ian Birss, Justice, High Court of England and Wales (Chancery), manakala moderator adalah YA Dr. Badariah binti Sahamid, Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan.

  • Talk On Competition Law

    Seminar “Talk on Competition Law” telah diadakan di Dewan Persidangan, Istana Kehakiman, Putrajaya pada 13 Oktober 2012. Ia telah dihadiri oleh 89 hakim mahkamah atasan dari Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi hingga Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan. Seminar ini merupakan anjuran bersama Suruhanjaya Pelantikan Kehakiman, Pejabat Ketua Pendaftar Mahkamah Persekutuan dan Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MICCI). Ia telah dirasmikan oleh YAA Tun Arifin b. Zakaria, Ketua Hakim Negara.

    Seminar ini diadakan adalah bertujuan untuk mendedahkan hakim-hakim kepada Akta Persaingan 2010 (Akta 712)[Competition Act 2010 (Act 712)] yang berkuat kuasa mulai 1 Januari 2012. Seramai 3 orang penceramah yang pakar dalam bidang ini telah dijemput mengendalikan seminar ini. Mereka adalah Prof. Dr. Robert Ian Mc Ewan dari Competition Consultant Asia, Encik Toh Han Li dari Singapore Competition Commission dan Encik Jose Rivas dari firma Bird and Bird.

    Seminar telah dibahagikan kepada 4 sesi dengan tajuk-tajuk dan penceramah seperti berikut iaitu:

    1. Sesi 1: The Important Role of Economics in Competition Law oleh Prof. Dr. Robert Ian Mc Ewan;
    2. Sesi 2: The Singapore Experience – A Regulator’s Perspective oleh Encik Toh Han Li;
    3. Sesi 3: Bringing Competition Law To Life oleh Encik Jose Rivas; dan
    4. Sesi 4: Open Discussion on the Competition Act 2010 oleh 4 orang ahli panel yang terdiri daripada Prof. Dr. Robert Ian Mc Ewan, Encik Toh Han Li, Encik Jose Rivas dan Puan Shila Dorai Raj dari Suruhanjaya Persaingan Malaysia (MyCC). Moderator perbincangan ini adalah Encik Tay Beng Chai daripada MICCI.

    DARI KIRI : Puan Shila Dorai Raj (MyCC), Encik Toh Han Li, Encik Tay Beng Chai, Prof. Dr. Robert Ian Mc Ewan dan Encik Jose Rivas.

  • Talk on Ouster Clause: The UK Experience by Prof. Emeritus Carol Harlow QC (Hon)

    The “Talk on Ouster Clause: The UK Experience by Prof. Emeritus Carol Harlow QC (Hon)” Programme was held on 29th October 2021 (Friday) at the Banquet Hall, Palace of Justice, Putrajaya. The programme aimed at providing a comprehensive understanding of the United Kingdom’s experience on the Ouster Clause. This was the fourth programme conducted under the Judicial Academy Malaysia in 2021, and the third was conducted online via the Zoom Meeting application in compliance with the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to control the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    A total of 111 participants consisting of six Federal Courts Judges, 13 Judges of the Court of Appeal, 30 High Court Judges, 36 Judicial Commissioners, and 27 Deputy Registrars/Senior Assistant Registrars/Special Officers/Research Officers/Legal Officers had attended this programme.

    The half-day programme began with an opening address by The Right Honourable Tun Tengku Maimun Binti Tuan Mat, Chief Justice of Federal Court, Malaysia. The programme was then continued with an introductory session by The Honourable Datuk Hajah Azizah Binti Haji Nawawi, Judge of the Court of Appeal who acted as a moderator before Prof. Emeritus Carol Harlow QC (Hon), a law lecturer at the London School of Economics (LSE) began her talk. The talk session ended with a question-and-answer session and online course assessment.

  • The Construction Industry Payment And Adjudication Act 2012: The Role Of The Court

    Seminar “The Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012: The Role of the Court” adalah merupakan seminar yang julung-julung kali diadakan dengan kerjasama antara Suruhanjaya Pelantikan Kehakiman (SPK) dan Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration (KLRCA).

    Seramai 3 orang penceramah yang pakar dalam bidang ini telah dijemput mengendalikan seminar ini. Mereka adalah Ir. Harbans Singh dari Malaysia, Ms. Rashda Rana dari Australia dan Mr. Adrian Hughes QC dari United Kingdom.

    Seramai 59 orang peserta yang terdiri daripada 41 Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi dan 18 Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman serta 56 Pegawai Kehakiman yang terdiri daripada Timbalan Ketua Pendaftar, Pendaftar, Penagarah mahkamah Negeri, Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen dan Timbalan Pendaftar telah menghadiri kursus ini. Secara keseluruhan peserta seminar ini adalah seramai 115 orang.

    Seminar ini telah dirasmikan oleh YAA Tun Arifin b. Zakaria, Ketua Hakim Negara dan penutupan rasmi oleh YAA Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Zulkefli b. Ahmad Makinudin, Hakim Besar Malaya. Seminar ini turut dihadiri oleh YAA Tan Sri Md Raus b. Sharif, Presiden Mahkamah Rayuan dan YAA Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Richard Malanjum, Hakim Besar Sabah dan Sarawak.

    Kandungan seminar telah dibahagikan kepada 8 sesi mengenai tajuk-tajuk penting dalam The Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012. Di setiap sesi, seorang penceramah akan memberi penerangan mengenai tajuk-tajuk tertentu dengan dibantu oleh rakan-rakan mereka yang lain. Peserta telah berinteraksi dengan penceramah di setiap masa melalui persoalan-persoalan yang ditimbulkan di sepanjang sesi/seminar berlangsung.

  • The Judicial Appointments Commission Meeting and Visit to the Pulau Pinang State Court

    This one-day programme started on the morning of 28th July 2023 (Friday) with a visit by members of the Judicial Appointments Commission led by The Right Honourable Tun Tengku Maimun binti Tuan Mat, Chief Justice of Federal Court, Malaysia cum Chairman of the Judicial Appointments Commission to the Pulau Pinang State Court Heritage Building. Statistics Reports of Pulau Pinang High Court and Statistics Reports of Pulau Pinang Lower Court were presented as part of the visit. Meanwhile, the Meeting of Judicial Appointments Commission No. 8/2023 was held in the afternoon at Shangri-La Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa Pulau Pinang. Court of Appeal statistics were presented in the meeting by Puan Jumirah binti Marjuki, Registrar of the Court of Appeal.

  • Tranning Committee


    The. Hon. Dato’ Sri Hasnah binti Dato’ Mohammed Hashim
    Federal Court Judge


    The. Hon. Dato' Nordin bin Hassan
    Federal Court Judge

    The. Hon. Datuk Vazeer Alam bin Mydin Meera
    Federal Court Judge

    YBrs. Puan Salinah binti Ismail
    Secretary, Judicial Appointments Commission

    Encik Muhammad Nazim bin Abd Rahman
    Deputy Secretary, Judicial Appointments Commission 

  • Workshop " Constrution Law: Issues and Challenges"

    Construction Law : Issues and Challenges Workshop was held on 10th and 11th October 2013 and is the second collaboration between the Judicial Appointments Commission and the Kuala Lumpur Centre for Arbitration (KLRCA) in organising training for the judiciary. This is subsequent to seminar entitled “The Construction Industry Payment and Adjudicaton Act 2012 : Role of the Court “ held on 15th and 16th March 2013.

    The objective of this workshop was to enhance the participants’ understanding on the technical aspects relating to the construction industry and laws.

    This workshop was facilitated by Ir. Harbans Singh who is an arbitrator, adjudicator and professional mediator who specialises in construction law and alternative dispute resolution.

    A total of 19 participants comprising 3 Appeal Court judges, 10 High Court judges and 6 Judicial Commissioners attended this workshop. It was officiated by YAA Tun Arifin b. Zakaria, the Chief Justice.

    The workshop was divided into 8 modules that emphasised the main issues commonly encountered in the construction industry e.g project implementation, contract implementation, tender process and financial issues.

    The closing ceremony was graced by YAA Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Zulkefli b. Ahmad Makinudin, Hakim Besar Malaya.

  • Workshop On Implementing The International Framework For Court Excellence, 6-8 September 2012

    Workshop on Implementing the International Framework for Court Excellence telah diadakan pada 6-8 September 2012 di Putrajaya. Ia dilaksanakan secara berturutan untuk dua kumpulan dengan modul yang sama iaitu pada 6-7 September 2012 (Khamis-Jumaat) bagi Kumpulan Pertama dan 7-8 September 2012 (Jumaat-Sabtu) bagi Kumpulan Kedua.

    Dua orang fasilitator yang telah mengendalikan bengkel ini adalah Hakim Robert J. Torres Jr., Hakim Mahkamah Agong Guam dan Encik Daniel J. Hall, Naib Presiden bagi Perkhidmatan Perunding Mahkamah, Pusat Kebangsaan Mahkamah Amerika Syarikat. 

    Bengkel ini diadakan bertujuan untuk menambahbaik perkhidmatan mahkamah di setiap peringkat dengan menimba pengalaman dan perspektif antara badan kehakiman negara ini dengan konsortium antarabangsa. Ia berdasarkan rangka kerja yang telah dibangunkan oleh National Center for State Court (NCSC), Amerika Syarikat terhadap nilai-nilai (values), bidang-bidang kecemerlangan (areas of excellence), pengukuran prestasi (performance measures) dan penambahbaikan kualiti secara berterusan (continuous quality improvement). 

    Seramai 67 orang peserta yang terdiri daripada Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan, Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan, Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman, Pendaftar Mahkamah dan Pengarah Mahkamah Negeri telah menghadiri kursus ini, iaitu 37 orang peserta bagi Kumpulan Pertama dan 30 orang peserta bagi Kumpulan Kedua. 

    * No English Translation

  • Writing Better Judgment, 17th-19th September 2020

  • Writing Better Judgments 1/2023, 9th - 11th March 2023

    The “Writing Better Judgments 1/2023” Course was held on 9th - 11th March 2023 (Thursday-Saturday) at The Saujana Hotel Kuala Lumpur. The course objective was to introduce the concepts which aim to improve ability as a writer of judgments to write reasons that are clear, concise, comprehensive, coherent and convincing (‘5Cs’).

    This three-day course consisted of 11 sessions namely “Why Good Judgments Matter?”, “Issues Based Approach to Judgment Writing: The Conceptual Framework”, “The First Page and Creating Headings”, “First Breakout Group Session: Individual Feedback Session and Exercise on Re-writing the First Page and Creating Headings”, “Challenges of Judgment Writing” / “The Structural Construct of an Issues Based Judgment”, “The Road to Judgment”, “Workshop on Practical Issue Identification”, “Second Breakout Group Session: Workshop – Review of the Re-written First Page and List of Headings”, “Issues Based Approach Judgment Writing in Criminal Cases (Section 39B of The Dangerous Drugs Act 1952)”, “Managing Procrastination and Competing Priorities” and “Third Breakout Group Session: Workshop – Review of The Re-written Submitted Judgment”.

    Each participant was given a task to rewrite a sample of judgment ground based on the suggested principles in this course and then submitted the judgement to the facilitators of their respective groups. The participants were divided into four groups consisting of six members per group. The participants of each group were guided by three facilitators who are Judges from Federal Court and the Court of Appeal.

    A total of 24 participants consisting of six High Court Judges and 18 Judicial Commissioners participated in the course. The facilitators of this course were The Right Honourable Tan Sri Datuk Amar Abang Iskandar bin Abang Hashim, President of the Court of Appeal, Malaysia; The Right Honourable Dato’ Abdul Rahman bin Sebli, Chief Judge of the High Court in Sabah and Sarawak; The Honourable Datuk Vernon Ong Lam Kiat, Federal Court Judge cum the Chairman of the Training Committee of Malaysian Judicial Academy; The Honourable Dato’ Zabariah binti Mohd. Yusof, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Dato’ Sri Hasnah binti Dato' Mohammed Hashim, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Dato’ Mary Lim Thiam Suan, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Datuk Harmindar Singh Dhaliwal, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Dato’ Nordin bin Hassan, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Datuk Abdul Karim bin Abdul Jalil, Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Datuk Hanipah binti Farikullah, Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Datuk Seri Kamaludin bin Md Said, Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Dato’ Has Zanah binti Mehat, Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Dato’ Lee Swee Seng, Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Datuk Hajah Azizah binti Haji Nawawi, Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Datuk Vazeer Alam bin Mydin Meera, Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Datuk Ravinthran a/l N. Paramaguru, Judge of the Court of Appeal; and The Honourable Dato’ Gunalan a/l Muniandy, Judge of the Court of Appeal.

  • Writing Better Judgments 2/2023, 21st-23rd September 2023

    The “Writing Better Judgments 2/2023” Course was held on 21 st -23 rd September 2023 (Thursday-Saturday) at Zenith Hotel Putrajaya. The course objective was to achieve the 5Cs in judgment writing to be clear, concise, comprehensive, coherent and convincing.

    This three-day course consisted of 12 sessions namely “Why Good Judgments Matter?”, “Issues Based Approach to Judgment Writing: The Conceptual Framework”, “The First Page and Creating Headings”, “First Breakout Group Session: Individual Feedback Session and Exercise on Re-writing the First Page and Creating Headings”, “The Structural Construct of an Issues Based Judgment”, “Issues Based Approach Judgment Writing in Criminal Cases”, “Challenges of Judgment Writing”, “The Road to Judgment”, “Second Breakout Group Session: Workshop – Review of the Re-written First Page and List of Headings”, “Managing Procrastination and Competing Priorities”, “Workshop on Practical Issue Identification” dan “Third Breakout Group Session: Workshop – Review of The Re-written Submitted Judgment”.

    Each participant was given a task to rewrite a sample of judgment ground based on the suggested principles in this course and then submitted the judgement to the facilitators of their respective groups. The participants were divided into four groups consisting of five members per group. The participants of each group were guided by three facilitators who are Judges from Federal Court and the Court of Appeal.

    A total of 20 participants consisting of 12 High Court Judges and eight Judicial Commissioners participated in the course. The facilitators of this course were The Right Honourable Tan Sri Datuk Amar Abang Iskandar bin Abang Hashim, President of the Court of Appeal, Malaysia; The Right Honourable Tan Sri Dato’ Abdul Rahman bin Sebli, Chief Judge of the High Court in Sabah and Sarawak; The Honourable Dato’ Zabariah binti Mohd. Yusof, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Dato’ Sri Hasnah binti Dato Mohammed Hashim, Federal Court Judge cum the Chairman of the Training Committee of Malaysian Judicial Academy; The Honourable Dato’ Mary Lim Thiam Suan, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Datuk Harmindar Singh Dhaliwal, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Dato’ Nordin bin Hassan, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Dato’ Abu Bakar bin Jais, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Datuk Abdul Karim bin Abdul Jalil, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Datuk Hanipah binti Farikullah, Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Datuk Seri Kamaludin bin Md Said, Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Dato’ Lee Swee Seng, Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Datuk Hajah Azizah binti Haji Nawawi, Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Datuk Vazeer Alam bin Mydin Meera, Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Datuk Ravinthran a/l N. Paramaguru, Judge of the Court of Appeal; and The Honourable Dato’ Che Mohd Ruzima bin Ghazali Judge of the Court of Appeal; and The Honourable Datuk See Mee ChunJudge of the Court of Appeal.

  • Writing Better Judgments, 24-26 March 2022

    The “Writing Better Judgments” Course was held on 24th - 26th March 2022 (Thursday-Saturday) at the Zenith Hotel, Putrajaya. The course objective is to introduced the participants to the key concepts which aim to improve the quality of judgment writing using 5Cs concept; Clear, Concise, Comprehensive, Coherent and Convincing.

    This 3-day course consists of 11 sessions. The details of all 11 sessions are as follows:

    Date Session Title Facilitator
    24 March 2022 (Thusday)  1  “Why Good Judgments Matter?”
    • The Right Honourable Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Azahar bin Mohamed, Chief Judge of Ma
    • The Right Honourable Tan Sri Dato’ Abang Iskandar bin Abang Hashim, Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak
       2  “Issues Based Approach to Judgment Writing: The Conceptual Framework”
    • The Honourable Datuk Nallini Pathmanathan, Federal Court Judge
    • The Honourable Datuk Vazeer Alam bin Mydin Meera, Judge of the Court of Appeal
       3  “The First Page and Creating Headings” 
    • The Honourable Datuk Vernon Ong Lam Kiat, Federal Court Judge
       4  “Individual Feedback Session and Exercise on Re-writing the First Page and Creating Headings” 
    •  All facilitators
       5 “The Challenge of Judgment Writing” 
    • The Honourable Dato’ Lee Swee Seng, Judge of the Court of Appeal
         “The Structural Construct of an Issues Based Judgment” 
    • The Honourable Datuk Vazeer Alam bin Mydin Meera, Judge of the Court of Appeal
     25 March 2022 (Friday) 6  “The Road to Judgment” 
    • The Right Honourable Tan Sri Rohana binti Yusuf, President of the Court of Appeal
      7 “Workshop on Practical Issue Identification” 
    • All facilitators
      8 “Workshop – Review of the Re-written First Page and List of Headings” 
    • All facilitators
      9 “Issues Based Approach Judgment Writing in Criminal Cases (Section 39B of Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 and Section 302 of the Penal Code” 
    • The Honourable Dato’ Abdul Rahman Sebli, Federal Court Judge
    • The Honourable Dato’ Mohamad Zabidin bin Mohd. Diah, Federal Court Judge
    • The Honourable Datuk Abdul Karim bin Abdul Jalil, Judge of the Court of Appeal
      10 “Managing Procrastination and Competing Priorities” 
    • The Honourable Datuk Seri Haji Mohd Zawawi bin Salleh, Federal Court Judge
    26 March 2022 (Saturday) 11 “Workshop – Review of The Re-written Submitted Judgment” 
    • All facilitators


    Each participant was given the task to re-write their sample of ground of judgment based on the principles that have been suggested in this course and then submitted the judgment to the facilitators of their respective groups. In order to fulfill this purpose, the participants were divided into four groups consisting of three to six members in each group. Participants in each group were guided by three facilitators consisting of Federal Court Judges and Judges of the Court of Appeal.

    A total of 19 participants consisting of 7 High Court Judges and 12 Judicial Commissioners participated in the course. The Right Honourable Tun Tengku Maimun binti Tuan Mat, Chief Justice of Federal Court, Malaysia was also present. The facilitators of this course were The Right Honourable Tan Sri Rohana binti Yusuf, President of the Court of Appeal, Malaysia; The Right Honourable Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Azahar bin Mohamed, Chief Judge of the High Court in Malaya; The Right Honourable Tan Sri Dato’ Abang Iskandar bin Abang Hashim, Chief Judge of the High Court in Sabah and Sarawak; The Honourable Datuk Seri Haji Mohd Zawawi bin Salleh, Federal Court Judge cum the Chairman of the Training Committee of Malaysian Judicial Academy; The Honourable Datuk Nallini Pathmanathan, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Datuk Vernon Ong Lam Kiat, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Dato’ Abdul Rahman Sebli, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Puan Sri Dato’ Zaleha binti Yusof, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Dato’ Sri Hasnah binti Dato' Mohammed Hashim, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Dato’ Mary Lim Thiam Suan, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Dato’ Mohamad Zabidin bin Mohd. Diah, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Datuk Abdul Karim bin Abdul Jalil, Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Datuk Seri Kamaludin bin Md Said, Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Datuk Nor Bee binti Ariffin, Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Dato’ Has Zanah binti Mehat, Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Dato’ Lee Swee Seng, Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Datuk Hajah Azizah binti Haji Nawawi, Judge of the Court of Appeal; and The Honourable Datuk Vazeer Alam bin Mydin Meera, Judge of the Court of Appeal.

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  • Last Updated : Wednesday 28 August 2024.

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