Selasa, 16 Julai 2024
Soalan Lazim Hubungi Kami Aduan dan Maklum Balas Peta Laman

tahun 2011

  • Conference on Applied Mediation (Central Zone), 27-29 May 2011

    Conference on Applied Mediation (Central Zone) is a conference jointly organised by the Judicial Appointments Commission and the Office of the Chief Registrar of the Federal Court. The aim of the conference was to look at practical aspects of mediation and the possibility of court assisted mediation as an alternative method of dispute resolution made available to litigants. It is offered by the court as a method to settle civil cases in an informal, voluntary and closed manner without having to go through normal court procedures. This method has been found to reduce disagreements as compared to court proceedings, is more private and confidential, saves time and costs and leaves parties more satisfied with the results.

    This conference was held from 27-29 May 2011 in Genting Highland. 28 participants from the Judiciary attended, comprising the following:
    (i)Three (3) high Court Judge;
    (ii)Six (6) Judicial Commissioner
    (iii)One (1) State Court Directors;
    (iv)Ten(10) Sessions Court Judges,
    (v)Lima(5) Deputy Registrars / Senior Assistant Registrars; and
    (vi)Three (3) Magistrates.

    The guest lecturer invited to speak at this conference is Senior Judge Gordon J. Low, Senior Judge of Utah State, United States. Senior Judge Low is a judge who is very well-versed in the field of mediation.

  • Conference on Applied Mediation (East Coast Zone), 21-23 April 2011

    The Conference on Applied Mediation (East Coast Zone) is a conference jointly organised by the Judicial Appointments Commission and the Office of the Chief Registrar of the Federal Court. The aim of the conference was to look at practical aspects of mediation and the possibility of court assisted mediation as an alternative method of dispute resolution made available to litigants. It is offered by the court as a method to settle civil cases in an informal, voluntary and closed manner without having to go through normal court procedures. This method has been found to reduce disagreements as compared to court proceedings, is more private and confidential, saves time and costs and leaves parties more satisfied with the results.

    This conference was held from 21-23 April 2011 in Kuala Terengganu. 31 participants from the Judiciary attended, comprising the following::

    (i)Four (4) High Court Judges;
    (ii)Three (3) State Court Directors;;
    (iii)Nine (9) Sessions Court Judges;,
    (iv)Three (3) Deputy Registrars / Senior Assistant Registrars;
    (v)  Eight (8) Magistrates; and
    (vi)Four (4) Senior Federal Counsels / Federal Counsels (State) from the Attorney General’s Chambers.

    This conference was officially opened by YAA Tan Sri Arifin b. Zakaria, Chief Judge of Malaya. The guest lecturer invited to speak at this conference is Senior Judge Gordon J. Low, Senior Judge of Utah State, United States. Senior Judge Low is a judge who is very well-versed in the field of mediation.

  • Conference on Applied Mediation (Northern Zone), 13-15 May 2011

    Conference on Applied Mediation (Northern Zone) is a conference jointly organised by the Judicial Appointments Commission and the Office of the Chief Registrar of the Federal Court. The aim of the conference was to look at practical aspects of mediation and the possibility of court assisted mediation as an alternative method of dispute resolution made available to litigants. It is offered by the court as a method to settle civil cases in an informal, voluntary and closed manner without having to go through normal court procedures. This method has been found to reduce disagreements as compared to court proceedings, is more private and confidential, saves time and costs and leaves parties more satisfied with the results.

    his conference was held from 13-15 May 2011 in Penang. 30 participants from the Judiciary attended, comprising the following:

    (i)Two (2) High Court Judge;
    (ii)Five (5) Judicial Commissioners
    (iii)Four (4) State Court Directors;
    (iv)Six (6) Sessions Court Judges,
    (v)Three (3) Deputy Registrars / Senior Assistant Registrars;
    (vi)Four (4) Magistrates; and
    (vii) Six (6) Senior Federal Counsels / Federal Counsels (State) from the Attorney General’s Chambers.

    This conference was officially opened by YAA Tun Dato’ Seri Zaki bin Tun Azmi, Chief Justice. The guest lecturer invited to speak at this conference is Senior Judge Gordon J. Low, Senior Judge of Utah State, United States. Senior Judge Low is a judge who is very well-versed in the field of mediation.

  • Conference on Applied Mediation (Southern Zone), 8 - 10 July 2011

    The Conference on Applied Mediation (Southern Zone) is a conference jointly organised by the Judicial Appointments Commission and the Office of the Chief Registrar of the Federal Court. The aim of the conference was to look at practical aspects of mediation and the possibility of court assisted mediation as an alternative method of dispute resolution made available to litigants. It is offered by the court as a method to settle civil cases in an informal, voluntary and closed manner without having to go through normal court procedures. This method has been found to reduce disagreements as compared to court proceedings, is more private and confidential, saves time and costs and leaves parties more satisfied with the results.

    This conference was held from 8 - 10 July 2011 in Johor Bahru. 31 participants from the Judiciary attended, comprising the following:

    (i)Six (6) High Court Judges;
    (ii)One (1) Judicial Commissioner;
    (iii)Three (3) State Court Directors;
    (iv)Seven (7) Sessions Court Judges;
    (v)Three (3) Deputy Registrars / Senior Assistant Registrars; and
    (vi)Six (6) Senior Federal Counsels / Federal Counsels (State) from the Attorney General’s Chambers Johor, Melaka and Negeri Sembilan.

    The guest lecturer invited to speak at this conference is Senior Judge Gordon J. Low, Senior Judge of Utah State, United States. He is joined by YA Datuk Wira Low Hop Bing, Judge of the Court of Appeal. Both Judge are well-versed in the field of mediation.

  • Lawatan dan Mesyuarat Suruhanjaya Pelantikan Kehakiman Di Kompleks Mahkamah Alor Setar, Kedah. 18 Mei 2011

    Suruhanjaya Pelantikan Kehakiman telah mengadakan mesyuarat bulanannya Bil. 5/2011 di Kompleks Mahkamah Alor Setar, Kedah pada 18 Mei 2011. Sebelum mesyuarat tersebut, terlebih dahulu  Anggota Suruhanjaya telah diperkenan mengadap Ke bawah Duli Yang Maha  Mulia Sultan Kedah di Istana Anak Bukit.

    Anggota Suruhanjaya juga telah mengadakan lawatan di beberapa bahagian seperti Bahagian Pendaftaran Mahkamah Sesyen/Majistret dan Bahagian Pendaftaran Mahkamah Tinggi serta sudut mediasi. Lawatan ini adalah bertujuan untuk melihat usaha menambahbaik sistem penyampaian mahkamah-mahkamah di Alor Setar.

    Selepas sesi lawatan, Anggota Suruhanjaya telah diberi penerangan dan taklimat oleh YA Datuk Haji Suriyadi b. Halim Omar, Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan, selaku Hakim Pengurus Negeri Kedah mengenai penyelesaian kes-kes tertunggak dan kes-kes baru di seluruh mahkamah di Negeri Kedah. Suruhanjaya mengucapkan tahniah di atas kejayaan mahkamah Negeri Kedah yang telah berjaya melupuskan kes-kes tertunggak dan hasilnya majority kes-kes yang ada di mahkamah Negeri Kedah adalah kes-kes semasa iaitu kes-kes yang didaftar dalam tahun 2010 ke atas.  SYABAS!

  • Lawatan dan Mesyuarat Suruhanjaya Pelantikan Kehakiman di Kompleks Mahkamah Kota Bharu, Kelantan 17 Februari 2011

    Suruhanjaya Pelantikan Kehakiman telah mengadakan mesyuarat bulanannya Bil. 2/2011 di Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Bharu pada 17 Februari 2011. Anggota Suruhanjaya juga telah mengadakan lawatan di beberapa bahagian seperti Bahagian Pendaftaran Mahkamah Sesyen/ Majistret dan Bahagian Pendaftaran Mahkamah Tinggi . Lawatan ini adalah bertujuan untuk melihat usaha menambahbaik sistem penyampaian mahkamah-mahkamah di Kelantan.

    Semasa taklimat di Mahkamah Kota Bharu, Anggota Suruhanjaya telah diberi penerangan bahawa kes-kes yang lama telah diberi perhatian sewajarnya dan diselesaikan segera disamping melaksanakan proses mediasi di Mahkamah Tinggi dan Mahkamah Sesyen Kota Bharu kerana pendekatan ini mampu mengurangkan kes-kes tertunggak. Sehubungan dengan itu, Anggota Suruhanjaya telah menyaksikan bagaimana proses mediasi dijalankan dalam menyelesaikan kes tuntutan sivil kemalangan jalan raya oleh Tuan Zainal bin L.Saleh, Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen Kota Bharu. Selanjutnya, Anggota Suruhanjaya diberikan taklimat oleh YA Tuan Zaidi bin Ibrahim, Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Bharu dan YBhg. Datin Siti Mariam binti Haji Othman, Pengarah Mahkamah Negeri Kelantan mengenai kedudukan kes-kes jenayah dan sivil di mahkamah-mahkamah Negeri Kelantan dan usaha-usaha yang telah diambil untuk melupuskan kes-kes tertunggak.

    Anggota Suruhanjaya berpuas hati dengan pencapaian pelupusan kes-kes tertunggak di mahkamah-mahkamah Negeri Kelantan. Sebagai contoh, dalam kes sivil, hanya kes-kes yang didaftarkan pada tahun 2010 yang belum selesai, manakala kes-kes tertunggak bagi tahun-tahun sebelumnya telah berjaya dilupuskan sepenuhnya. Begitu juga dalam kes kesalahan trafik yang berjumlah 28,081 kes, yang mana semua kes tersebut merupakan kes-kes yang baharu didaftarkan pada tahun 2010.

  • Persidangan Mediasi (Zon Selatan), 8 – 10 Julai 2011

    Conference on Applied Mediation (Zon Selatan) merupakan persidangan keempat dalam siri persidangan mediasi anjuran bersama Suruhanjaya Pelantikan Kehakiman dan Pejabat Ketua Pendaftar Mahkamah Persekutuan. Persidangan ini diadakan bertujuan untuk melihat mediasi secara praktikal sebagai satu bentuk penyelesaian pertikaian alternatif yang ditawarkan oleh mahkamah kepada orang-orang yang bertikai. Ia dilaksanakan melalui mahkamah dan merupakan satu langkah penyelesaian pertikaian kes-kes sivil secara tidak formal, sukarela dan tertutup tanpa perlu melalui prosedur biasa di mahkamah. Kaedah ini didapati boleh mengurangkan perbalahan berbanding prosiding mahkamah, lebih tertutup dan sulit, menjimatkan masa dan kos serta semua pihak lebih berpuas hati.

    Ia telah diadakan pada 8 – 10 Julai 2011 di Johor Bahru. Persidangan ini telah dihadiri oleh 31 orang peserta yang terdiri daripada:

    (i)Enam (6) Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi; (ii)Satu (1) Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman; (iii)Tiga (3) Pengarah Mahkamah Negeri; (iv)Tujuh (7) Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen; (v)Tiga (3) Timbalan Pendaftar / Penolong Kanan Pendaftar Mahkamah; dan (vi)Enam (6) Peguam Kanan Persekutuan / Peguam Persekutuan (Negeri) dari Jabatan Peguam Negara Johor, Melaka and Negeri Sembilan.

    Penceramah yang dijemput mengendalikan persidangan kali ini juga adalah Hakim Kanan Gordon J. Low, Senior Judge of Utah State, United States dan dibantu oleh YA Datuk Wira Low Hop Bing, Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan. Kedua-dua mereka merupakan hakim-hakim yang mahir dalam bidang mediasi.

  • Persidangan Mediasi (Zon Tengah), 27-29 Mei 2011

    Conference on Applied Mediation (Central Zone) merupakan persidangan ketiga dalam siri persidangan mediasi anjuran bersama Suruhanjaya Pelantikan Kehakiman dan Pejabat Ketua Pendaftar Mahkamah Persekutuan. Persidangan ini diadakan bertujuan untuk melihat mediasi secara praktikal sebagai satu bentuk penyelesaian pertikaian alternatif yang ditawarkan oleh mahkamah kepada orang-orang yang bertikai. Ia dilaksanakan melalui mahkamah dan merupakan satu langkah penyelesaian pertikaian kes-kes sivil secara tidak formal, sukarela dan tertutup tanpa perlu melalui prosedur biasa di mahkamah. Kaedah ini didapati boleh mengurangkan perbalahan berbanding prosiding mahkamah, lebih tertutup dan sulit, menjimatkan masa dan kos serta semua pihak lebih berpuas hati.

    Ia telah diadakan pada 27-29 Mei 2011 di Genting Highland. Persidangan ini telah dihadiri oleh 28 orang peserta yang terdiri daripada: (i)    Tiga (3) Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi; (ii)    Enam (6) Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman (iii)    Satu (1) Pengarah Mahkamah Negeri; (iv)    Sepuluh (10) Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen, (v)    Lima (5) Timbalan Pendaftar/Penolong Kanan Pendaftar Mahkamah; dan (vi)    Tiga (3) Majistret.

    Penceramah yang dijemput mengendalikan persidangan kali ini juga adalah Hakim Kanan Gordon J. Low, Senior Judge of Utah State, United States. Beliau merupakan seorang hakim yang mahir dalam bidang mediasi.  

  • Ringkasan 2011

    Bil. Hakim Mahkamah Atasan Bilangan Pelantikan
    1. Ketua Hakim Negara, Malaysia 1
    2. Presiden Mahkamah Rayuan, Malaysia 1
    3. Hakim Besar Mahkamah Tinggi di Malaya 1
    4. Hakim Besar Mahkamah Tinggi di Sabah dan Sarawak 0
    5. Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan 3
    6. Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan 7
    7. Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi 12
    8. Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman 1
      Jumlah 26
  • Visit and Meeting of The Judicial Appointments Commission at The Alor Setar Court Complex, Kedah 18 May 201

    The Judicial Appointments Commission held its monthly meeting No. 5/2011at the Alor Setar Court Complex, Kedah on 18 May 2011. Before the meeting, the Commissioners called on the Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Kedah at the Istana Anak Bukit.

    The Commissioners also visited several sections of the court such as the Registry of the Sessions / Magistrates Court and the Registry of the High Court as well as the Mediation Corner. The aim of the visit was to look at the various ways undertaken by the courts in Alor Setar to improve its delivery system.

    After the visit, the Commissioners were briefed by YA Datuk Haji Suriyadi b. Halim Omar, Federal Court Judge, as the Managing Judge of Kedah, on the disposal of the backlog of cases and new cases in the various courts in Kedah. The Commissioners congratulated the Kedah Court for successfully disposing of the backlog of cases resulting in the majority of cases in the Kedah courts being those registered in 2010 and after. CONGRATULATIONS!

  • Visit and Meeting of The Judicial Appointments Commission at The Kota Bharu Court Complex, Kelantan 17 February 2011

    The Judicial Appointments Commission held its monthly meeting No. 2/2011 at High Court Kota Bharu pada 17 February 2011. The Commissioners visited several sections of the court such as the Registry of the Sessions / Magistrates Court and the Registry of the High Court. The aim of the visit was to look at the various ways undertaken by the courts in Kelantan to improve its delivery system.

    At the Kota Bharu Court, the Commissioners were briefed on the measures taken to address the issue of cases which were considered old and how those acses were disposed of timely and efficiently as well as the use of Mediation in both the High Court and Sessions Court as a proven method to reduce backlog of cases. The Commissioners then witnessed the mediation process (court-assisted mediation) in an actual motor vehicle accident case conducted by Justice Zainal bin L. Saleh, Sessions
    Court Judge, Kota Bharu. A briefing on the status of criminal and civil cases in the Kelantan courts and the effort to reduce the backlog of cases was later given by Justice Zaidi bin Ibrahim, High Court Judge, Kota Bharu and Datin Siti Mariam binti Haji Othman, State Director of the Kelantan Court.

    The Commissioners were satisfied with the rate of achievement in the disposal of cases that were backlogged. In the civil mattes, only cases filed in the year 2010 were pending disposal whereas cases which were backlogged from previous years were fully disposed of. This was also the situation with the 28,081 cases involving traffic offences, of which all were filed in 2010.


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