Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Section 302 of the Penal Code 2/2023, 8th September 2023

The course of “Section 302 of the Penal Code 2/2023” was held in the Conference Hall, Palace of Justice, Putrajaya on 8th September 2023 (Friday). The objective of this course was towards a better understanding of Section 302 of the Penal Code.

A total number of 29 participants had attended the course, consisting of five Judges of the Court of Appeal, 22 Judges of the High Court, and two Judicial Commissioners. This course was also attended by The Honourable Dato’ Sri Hasnah binti Dato’ Mohammed Hashim, Federal Court Judge cum Chairman of the Training Commitee, Judicial Academy; and The Honourable Dato’ Mary Lim Thiam Suan, Federal Court Judge cum Member of the Training Commitee, Judicial Academy. Facilitators consisting of three Federal Court Judges have assisted the course namely The Honourable Dato’ Nordin bin Hassan, The Honourable Dato’ Abu Bakar bin Jais, and The Honourable Datuk Abdul Karim bin Abdul Jalil.

The participants were divided into four groups with a membership of seven or eight people per group. Each group was required to discuss specific topics related to this course and then presented the results of the discussion. The topics of the discussion are “The Offence of Murder and the Offence of Culpable Homicide Not Amounting to Murder Under the Penal Code – Concept and Elements of The Offences”, “Distinguishing Features and Application of Sections 34 and 149 of the Penal Code”, “The Defence of Insanity Under Section 84 of the Penal Code”, and “Treatment of Expert and Corroborative Evidence”.

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  • Last Updated : Wednesday 10 July 2024.

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