Tuesday, 16 July 2024

The “Election Petition” 25 November 2022

The “Election Petition” Course was held on 25 November 2022 (Friday) at the MTC Room, Palace of Justice, Putrajaya. The objective of this online course was to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of election laws and procedures.

A total of 39 participants consisting of 36 High Court Judges and three Judicial Commissioner participated in the online course. The Right Honourable Tun Tengku Maimun binti Tuan Mat, Chief Justice of Federal Court, Malaysia; The Right Honourable Tan Sri Datuk Amar Abang Iskandar bin Abang Hashim, Chief Judge of the High Court in Sabah and Sarawak; and The Honourable Datuk Vernon Ong Lam Kiat, Federal Court Judge cum the Chairman of the Training Committee of Malaysian Judicial Academy were also present in the course.

This course consists of three lectures session and one discussion session. All lectures session were held in the morning until midday which are "Introduction to Election Laws and Regulations” delivered by The Honourable Dato’ Mohamad Zabidin bin Mohd Diah, Federal Court Judge; “Technical Objections and Interpretation of the Laws in an Election Petition” delivered by The Honourable Datuk Harmindar Singh Dhaliwal, Federal Court Judge; and “Practice and Procedures on Election Petition” delivered by The Honourable Datuk Hajah Azizah binti Haji Nawawi, Judge of the Court of Appeal. Meanwhile, “Open Discussion on Issues Raised in an Election Petition with Reference to Case Laws" was held in the afternoon with managed by five facilitators, namely The Honourable Datuk Harmindar Singh Dhaliwal, Federal Court Judge; The Honourable Datuk Hanipah binti Farikullah; Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Datuk Hajah Azizah binti Haji Nawawi, Judge of the Court of Appeal; The Honourable Datuk Vazeer Alam bin Mydin Meera, Judge of the Court of Appeal; and The Honourable Dato’ Lee Heng Cheong, Judge of the Court of Appeal. The facilitators and participants were free to share their experiences or opinions as well as ask and answer questions related to the election petition issues during the discussion session.

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  • Last Updated : Wednesday 10 July 2024.

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