Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Induction Programme for Judicial Commissioners 29 April-3 May 2019

“Induction Programme for Judicial Commissioners” was held on 29 April-3 May 2019 (Monday-Friday) at the Secretary’s Office, Judicial Appointments Commission, Palace of Justice, Putrajaya. The objective of this programme is to expose the participants the scope and areas of work and best practices that must be followed when fulfilling their duties and responsibilities as Judicial Commissioners.

This course was conducted in the form of lectures with a total of 17 topics presented by senior judges namely “The Making of a Good Judge”; “Judge Craft”; “Dealings with Conflict and Unexpected Contentious Situations”; “When to Recuse”; “Business of Judging: Practical Workshop”; “Salient Features of the Rules of Court 2012”; “Case Management”; “An Overview to Court-Annexed Mediation”; “Practical Approach to Judgment Writing and Importance of Language”; “How to Read Statute”; E-Court System and Practical”; “Criminal Law: Evidence and Procedure”; Adjudicating Trafficking of Drugs Cases under Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952”; “Adjudicating Cases under Section 302 of the Penal Code”; “Adjudicating Cases under Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (SOSMA)”; “Assessing the Credibility and Reliability of Evidence”; and “Salary, Allowance and Benefits for Judges”.

A total of 11 candidates to be appointed as Judicial Commissioners have attended this course, namely YBhg. Dato’ Sri Latifah binti Mohd Tahar, YBhg. Dato’ Amarjeet Singh a/l Serjit Singh, Tuan Awg Armadajaya bin Awg Mahmud, YBhg. Datuk Duncan Sikodol, Encik Muniandy Kannyappan, YBrs. Dr. Shahnaz Sulaiman, Puan Evrol Mariette Peters, Encik Christopher Chin Soo Yin, Encik Ong Chee Kwan, Puan Maidzuara binti Mohammed and Encik Mohd Radzi bin Abdul Hamid.

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  • Last Updated : Wednesday 10 July 2024.

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