Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Adjudication Of Habeas Corpus Cases and Amendment to Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 18 August 2018

The “Adjudication of Habeas Corpus Cases and Amendment to Dangerous Drugs Act 1952” Course was held on 18 August 2018 (Saturday) at the Conference Hall, Palace of Justice, Putrajaya. The objective of this course is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the law of Habeas Corpus.

A total of 33 participants attended this course consisting of 17 High Court Judges and 16 Judicial Commissioners. This course was also joined by The Right Honourable Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Ahmad bin Haji Maarop, President of the Court of Appeal; The Right Honourable Zaharah binti Ibrahim, Chief Judge of the High Court in Malaya; The Honourable Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Azahar bin Mohamed, Federal Court Judge who is also cum the Chairman of the Training Committee of Malaysian Judicial Academy; and The Honourable Dato’ Setia Haji Mohd Zawawi bin Salleh, Federal Court Judge.

Session 1 of the course began with a talk on "Amendment to Dangerous Drugs Act 1952" by The Right Honourable Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Ahmad bin Haji Maarop and followed by an interactive Q&A session. The second topic titled "Adjucating Habeas Corpus Cases" was presented by  The Honourable Dato’ Setia Haji Mohd Zawawi bin Salleh.  The course continued with Session 2 that is  group discussion on assigned case studies. Participants divided into 7 groups with 4 or 5 members in each group and were assigned with two  case studies to be discussed. Each group presented their findings in Session 3 in the afternoon. Overall, the course received positive feedback from participants.

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  • Last Updated : Wednesday 10 July 2024.

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