Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Insolvency Act 1967: Understanding The New Bankruptcy Law, 10 February 2018

The Seminar of “Insolvency Act 1967: Understanding the New Bankruptcy Law” was held on 10 February 2018 (Saturday) at the Conference Hall, Palace of Justice, Putrajaya. The objective of this seminar is to provide an overview of the amendments to the Bankruptcy Act 1967, now renamed the Insolvency Act 1967.

A total of 111 participants consisting 7 Federal Court Judges, 18 Court of Appeal Judges, 33 High Court Judges, 20 Judicial Commissioners, 30 Judicial and Legal Officers, and 3 invited staff from the Counseling and Credit Management Agency (AKPK) were attended the seminar. The seminar was also attended by The Right Honourable Tun Raus Sharif, Chief Justice of Malaysia, The Right Honourable Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Ahmad bin Haji Maarop, Chief Judge of the High Court in Malaya and The Honourable Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Azahar bin Mohamed, Federal Court Judge as Chairman of the Judicial Academy.

The First Session of the seminar was presented by YBhg. Datuk Meor Hashimi bin Abdul Hamid, Deputy Director General of Insolvency, Malaysia Department of Insolvency (MdI) on the title “An Overview of the New Bankruptcy Law”. In the Second Session, the talk was delivered by The Honourable Datuk Abdul Karim bin Abdul Jalil, Court of Appeal Judge on the title “New Rescue Mechanism: Voluntary Arrangement and Interim Order”. The talk titled “Specific Features of the New Insolvency Regime: Single Bankruptcy Order, Order of Substituted Service, Automatic Discharge” was delivered by The Honourable Datuk Hasnah binti Dato’ Mohammed Hashim, Court of Appeal Judge in the Third Session. While in the Fourth Session, The Honourable Datuk Vernon Ong Lam Kiat, Court of Appeal Judge has acted as moderator to conduct a question-and-answer session with panel members comprising speakers in the First, Second and Third Sessions.

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  • Last Updated : Wednesday 10 July 2024.

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