Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Companies Act 2016: Transforming The Corporate Landscape, 22 July 2017

The "Companies Act 2016: Changing Corporate Landscape" was held on 22 July 2017 (Saturday) at the Conference Hall, Palace of Justice, Putrajaya. This course objective is to provide an overview for judges on the reform of the principal legislation which governs corporate law in Malaysia.

A total of 100 participants consisting 11 Federal Court Judges, 26 Court of Appeal Judges, 45 High Court Judges and 18 Judicial Commissioners were attended the course. The course was also attended by The Right Honourable Tan Sri Dato 'Seri Zulkefli bin Ahmad Makinudin, President of the Court of Appeal, The Right Honourable Tan Sri Datuk Wira Ahmad bin Haji Maarop, Chief Judge of the High Court in Malaya and The Honourable Tan Sri Azahar bin Mohamed, Federal Court Judge cum Chairman of the Judicial Academy.

The First Session of the course was presented by Ms. Nor Azimah binti Abdul Aziz, Chief Executive Officer (Regulatory & Enforcement), Companies Commission of Malaysia on the title "An Overview of the New Companies Act 2016 [Act 777]". Later in the Second Session, she has partnered with Mr. Lee Shih from SKRINE to deliver a speech titled "Strengthening the Corporate Governance: Impact on Directors and Shareholders". The Third Session of the course was presented by Mr. Lee Shih on the title "Reforming the Insolvency Law.

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  • Last Updated : Wednesday 10 July 2024.

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