Tuesday, 16 July 2024

How To Deal With Cases Under 39B of The Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, 3rd - 4th September 2015

A course entitled “How to Deal with Cases Under 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952” was held in Putrajaya from 3-4 September 2015 (Thursday and Friday)

A total of 15 participants attended this course comprising 13 High Court judges and 2 Judicial Commissioners. The facilitators were the Rt. Hon. Tan Sri Md Raus bin Sharif, President of the Court of Appeal, and 2 Federal Court Judges, namely, the Hon. Tan Sri Ahmad bin Haji Maarop and the Hon. Dato’ Azahar bin Mohamed. The list of participants are as follows:

1. The Hon. Datuk Siti Mariah binti Haji Ahmad  High Court Judge Kuala Lumpur
2.  The Hon. Dato’ Haji Abd. Halim bin Aman  High Court Judge Shah Alam
3.  The Hon. Dato’ Zulkifli bin Bakar  High Court Judge Shah Alam
4. The Hon. Dato’ Mohd Azman bin Husin  High Court Judge Kuala Lumpur 
5. The Hon. Dato’ Mohd Sofian bin Tan Sri Abd. Razak High Court Judge Johor Bahru 
6. The Hon. Dato’ Haji Ghazali bin Haji Cha  High Court Judge Shah Alam 
7. The Hon. Dato’ Ahmad Zaidi bin Ibrahim  High Court Judge Shah Alam
8. The Hon. Dato’ Haji Azman bin Abdullah High Court Judge Kota Bharu
9. The Hon. Dato’ Mohd Yazid bin Haji Mustafa  High Court Judge Shah Alam 
10. The Hon. Dato’ Haji Zainal Azman bin Abdul Aziz High Court Judge Kuala Terengganu 
11. The Hon. Datuk Wira Halijah binti Abbas High Court Judge Muar
12. The Hon. Dato’ Akhtar bin Tahir  High Court Judge Shah Alam 
13. The Hon. Dato’ Haji Ahmad Nasfy bin Haji Yasin High Court Judge Shah Alam 
14. The Hon. Dato’ Haji Ab. Karim bin Ab. Rahman  Judicial Commissioner, High Court Kuantan 
15. The Hon. Dr. Sabirin bin Ja’afar  Judicial Commissioner, High Court Johor Bahru

(i) Meaning of Prima Facie Case The course was divided into two sessions. In the first session, 9 out of 15 participants were selected to present discussion topics as determined by the facilitator. Topics were in relation to cases under the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, particularly those involving the provision of section 39B, and a number of other related legal provisions such as the Criminal Procedure Code. The time given was 20 minutes for the presentation followed by a 10-minute discussion by the participants. The topics are as follows:

By: The Hon. Datuk Wira Halijah binti Abbas

(ii) Evaluation of Evidence at the End of Prosecution Case
By: The Hon. Dato’ Mohd Yazid bin Haji Mustafa

(iii) Chain of Evidence / Evidence By Chemist
By: The Hon. Dato’ Ahmad Zaidi bin Ibrahim

(iv) Direct Proof of Trafficking (Section 2 of The Dangerous Drugs Act 1952) and Agent Provocateur / Informer
By: The Hon. Dr. Sabirin bin Ja’afar

(v) Proof of Trafficking by Using Presumptions [Section 37 (d), Section 37 (da) and Other Presumptions Under Section 37 of Dangerous Drugs Act 1952]
By: The Hon. Dato’ Haji Ahmad Nasfy bin Haji Yasin

(vi) Reasonable Doubt and Evaluation of Evidence at the End of Defence Case
By: The Hon. Dato’ Haji Ghazali bin Haji Cha

(vii) Section 27 and Section 8 of the Evidence Act
By: The Hon. Dato’ Akhtar bin Tahir

(viii) Common Intention (Section 34 of the Penal Code)
By: The Hon. Dato’ Haji Ab. Karim bin Haji Ab. Rahman

(ix) Section 90A of Evidence Act 1950 (Principles and Application)
By: The Hon. Datuk Siti Mariah binti Haji Ahmad

In the second session, participants were divided into 3 groups of 5 members each. They were tasked with discussing the reasons for the judgment of a given case. At the end of this session, one participant from each group presented the findings of strengths and weaknesses of the grounds of judgment and this was followed by a presentation from a different participant on the reasons for the judgment prepared by the group based on the case.

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